Wednesday, April 20, 2011

In which I reveal some secrets...

Those of you who do not know me very well (although there are only four of you and we've all known each other for years) might mistakenly assume that I am manly man, or even a man's man (a man for men). You may have, upon seeing one of my many feats of strength, or feeling for yourselves the rock hard chest boulders that are my pecs, jumped to the conclusion that I, like many others of my sex, am a testosterone _______ (<-- insert natural disaster of choice here, I chose hurricane!). Enjoying as I do revealing strange or embarrassing information about myself in a venue open to the world, I come before you today to lay these rumors to rest, and to give you a peek at some of my more feminine idiosyncrasies.

To begin, I present to you a list of manly things that I either choose to ignore, am indifferent to, or even mildly despise.
(side note: bulleted lists are great for listing things and for breaking up with long time girlfriends.)

  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Soccer
  • Alaska
  • Baseball
  • Basically all sports
  • Big boobs (called knockers in some circles)
  • Fishing
  • Fast cars
  • Motor bikes
  • Dogs
  • Guns
  • Hunting
  • Farting (see farts)
Does it sadden me to think that I might never spend a raucous night with my pals, discussing Alaska, stroking our guns, and farting with our butts? It does not. I do not like those things. They are on my list. Instead of basically all sports, dogs, and motor bikes, I (at times) choose to fill my time with activities that might typically be considered girly, feminine, or flaming. 

Every wedding reception I've ever been to (the good ones at least) have some sort of photo slide show playing on an eternal loop. These films typically showcase how the bride and groom have grown from awkward youth, into awkward adolescence,  thereupon emerging into gloriously awkward adulthood. Despite their gangly natures, they defy conventions and find love in each others awkward arms. The photos of course are the focus of these interminable spectacles, more important to me however, and something which I've been compiling for my own future slideshow for years, is the accompanying soundtrack.

Every time I hear a song for the first time, whether at the supermarket, on my ipod, or sung by a guitar baring migrant worker (hungry for attention and corn tor ti llas), a question is invariably thrust upon me, not by an imagined force, but by the power of some actual being from the unseen world."Would this track be suitably romantic to accompany unflattering photos of both yourself and your future wife, if in fact there is anyone on this planet capable of loving you?" Seldom does the stepped reckoner that is my brain output an answer in the affirmative, but I have, over the course of my life, found a few gems. I present to you my current list, as it now stands, to the best of my memory. 

The Damnwells - Down With the Ship
Waking Ashland - Counting the Stars
The Postal Service - Be Still My Heart
A Phoenix Forever - Butterflies
Amber Pacific - If I Fall
Death Cab For Cutie - I Will Follow You Into the Dark
The Early November - Power of Love (cover)
Hit the Lights - Tell Me Where You Are (ep version)
Chase Holfelder - Something Real 

*disclaimer I was just about to include The Red Hot Chili Peppers "Special Secret Song Inside" in the above as a joke, but decided that it would definitely offend some of my more conservative readers, know that I considered it, and that it would have been hilarious if I had. (I do not encourage anyone to look up this song as it may destroy any and all of the things that you hold sacred.)

The list is not complete, many songs could still be added and some may yet be removed, but know ye that all of the above have at some point influenced me in a romantic way, drawing my thoughts to marriage, commitment, and making kissy kissy faces with the love of my life. I have yet to recognize her, but I imagine that she will be amazing, and will smell of raspberries and expensive cheese. She will also have no say over which songs eventually make it into our slideshow, she can pick the colors, the flowers, the food, and anything  else she sets her heart on, but upon this playlist, I stake my claim. 

Not flaming you say? Not effeminate enough to classify me as an itty bitty bing bong freak? I have one more instance of my muliebrity (a cool new word for femininity that I just learned) to relate. 

It's been one or two years since the dark incident which I disclose to you now, isolated, insomuch as I have not again been caught repeating it. Know that at the time this occurred I had been home from my mission for at least a year and had found myself largely ignored (and completely unkissed) by the fairer sex. Feeling lonely and avoiding even the company of my friends, I sat, a wretched creature clothed only in my most under of wears, strumming a mournful tune on my bass guitar. My only accompaniment? The ever popular romantic tale "The Notebook". Would that this horrid indiscretion could be hidden from the world, but alas, The Devil and God set traps to catch us in our most vulnerable of moments. My close friend Mark Harris, apparently eager to spend time with me and comfortable enough to enter my house uninvited (as he had done so many times before) walked down the stairs to my basement (my den of misery) and witnessed me in my abominable state. I imagine now that as the bright light from the lone bulb in the stairwell shone upon me through the recently opened door, I hissed, unprepared for its glimmering radiance. How did he react? How could he? Not a word was spoken. The door was closed. He left me to my anguish and it was some time before either of us was comfortable discussing the events in question. 

I enjoy chick flicks. The romanticism that they display is largely absent from the world or never existed to begin with, but these films, poorly written and predictable as the rising of the sun, somehow give me hope, they inspire me to believe in the notion that love can conquer all, as unbelievable as that sometimes becomes ... I also like Anne of Green Gables.  

Thanks for reading this overly long blog, let me know what you think of my list of romantic songs, also if you have any songs that you think might be a welcome addition include links to them in the comments below. 


  1. 1. Testosterone tornado! Testosterone thundersnow (look that one up - we had a few thundersnows this winter in NY).

    2. I didn't know you aren't into big boobs.

    3. Romantical song (but there are no screaming men... or

  2. As one of your best friends (and therefore a competitor), I sometimes feel like I might be as good a writer as you. Then you come out with shit like this...

  3. So...many thoughts about this: First, talking about weddings instantly makes me think of the Grand Estate and the good times had there. First Mate of the Grand Estate. Ha ha ha.
    Second: I don't think it's weird or effeminate for you to want to stake a claim on the soundtrack list to your wedding video. My husband was also very involved in this. I think males most likely do take interest in this because they know that other males who come to the wedding/reception will do anything and everything to avoid awkward wedding conversation so they focus their attention on something that is somewhat entertaining: that's where the wedding video comes in, and it sure as heck better not be lame.
    Third: Excellent song list, though the Death Cab song might be a little dark for a wedding (it talks about dying!!!). And thanks, in advance, for destroying my innocence. How can I NOT check out that Chili Peppers song now?
    Finally: chick flicks, oh dear. I take major issue with chick flicks for a number of reasons, (aside from the mind numbing predictability) but mostly for the fact that I think that a lot of women buy into them too much and it sells them a false sense of what romance should look like. Thus, these women go on to create ridiculously high expectations for the men in their life and their relationships, etc. etc. blah blah blah (I'm a closet feminist!) There are other reasons which I will not delve into as I feel this comment is already annoyingly too long and drawn out.

    P.S. love that visual with the notebook and the guitar.

  4. I picture a woeful creature (not too dissimilar from Gollum) sitting in the center of a bare room, with bare walls, under a lone low watt bulb flickering its last gasps of life. This afore mentioned Gollumesque creature near bare croons a sad, sullen song as a deep, wavering tune floats in the background. Oh my Jason…why have I forsaken thee?
